Ongoing Registration

Wellbeing Practitioner Annual Declaration

Wellbeing Practitioner Registration is for people working as a Wellbeing Practitioner in a specified system of care and is for a period of one year. After this, members are registered annually by making an Annual Declaration of fulfilling the required standards and minimum practice requirements for Wellbeing practice, CBT-informed Skills Supervision and CBT-informed CPD.

Registrants are contacted via email at least one month in advance of their registration renewal date and are invited to complete their annual declaration form. The renewal invitation contains instructions and the annual declaration form is attached. The Declaration is a simple form, on which practitioners confirm and update their personal details and make their declarations. The form also allows for practitioners to indicate if they are not currently in practice and provides links to further information regarding leave of absence and de-registration if these are relevant.

It is your responsibility to adhere to your registration renewal date and to keep your contact information up-to-date to ensure you receive your renewal invitation. To update your contact information, please email us at

It is good practice to keep records of completed CPD activities and reflective statements at the time of completion. Confirmation of meeting ongoing supervision requirements are outlined in an Audit Supervisor's Report (completion only required if invited to audit). These are only required to be submitted to us if you are randomly selected for audit.

If you are randomly selected for audit, you must submit evidence that you fulfil the supervision and CPD requirements. It is statistically likely that you will be audited every five years, however the selections will be made randomly so it is not possible to know when or how often you will be audited.

For further information on Audit please see Wellbeing Practitioner Registration Audit.

Practice Requirements for Re-Registration

The minimum practice requirements are two hours per week CBT-informed practice relevant to your role as part of your clinical work and this must include both assessment and intervention. The practice requirements can be found in the criteria for your registration type -

Supervision Requirements for Re-registration

As part of your ongoing supervisory arrangements, you must have - 

  • at least two live observations of your practice each year covering at least two patients, demonstrating at least two different interventions
  • ongoing Case Management Supervision
  • ongoing Clinical Skills Supervision

Your ongoing Clinical Skills and Case Management Supervisory arrangements must continue to meet the Supervision requirements of your registration type. You can refer to the Supervisor's Report section for your registration type on our website for further information.

Live Supervision

To maintain your registration, you must continue to receive live observation of your practice each year within your supervision arrangements. This can include in person live observation, one-way screen, video or audio recordings. There must be a minimum of two occasions per year covering at least two patients, demonstrating at least two different interventions.

If you are invited to audit your supervisor will be asked to confirm you have met the live supervision requirements. There are no current recommended competency assessment marking tools for live supervision.

Variations/exceptions - We recognise that on rare occasions, practitioners are working in settings where a live observation is not possible. For example, working with clients who are unable to provide informed consent. If this is the case, the supervisor must account for this in the report and explain how good practice is maintained.

CPD Requirements for Re-Registration

CPD requirements cannot be calculated pro-rata, and the requirements are the same for full/part-time staff.

Each year you must have completed five learning and development activities, including:

  • at least four activities which refer directly to CBT-informed principles and approaches
  • a minimum of six hours of CBT-informed skills development*
  • a CPD Reflective Statement for each activity.

*The six hours of CBT-informed skills development can be completed in one or across multiple CPD activities. Skills development hours cannot be drawn from Clinical Supervision sessions. Examples of CPD activities involving skills development include role play and skills practice in pairs or triads, exercises in case formulation, experiential exercises as part of more formal workshops etc. These activities outlined require active participation and also the opportunity for discussion, feedback and questions.

Download - CPD Reflective Statement [Word]

CPD examples suitable for ongoing Registration

There may be specific accepted CPD activities for your registration type - please ensure you refer to the criteria section of your registration type for specific requirements. Once registered, you will begin to keep a record of your CPD by writing a Reflective Statement. You can log in to the Members' Area to find previous webinars. Examples of suitable CPD include -

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