Supervision Special Interest Group

Supervision Special Interest Group


  • Promote the role of supervision in upholding the highest standards of evidence-based CBT practice.
  • Disseminate supervision focused research and good practice by providing workshops of high calibre.
  • Offer training and development opportunities to existing CBT supervisors as well as providing a resource for those who have not supervised before.
  • Provide support and guidance to those wishing to become accredited as supervisors
  • Make supervision training more accessible via a programme of affordable and accessible training events throughout the UK

Committee Members

Joy Holmes

Role Name
Chair Elaine Davies
Treasurer Debby Monkhouse
Secretary Amy Stephenson
Branch Liaison Officer John Storey
Ordinary Members Joy Holmes, Paul Thorley Ryder, Arlene Alexander-Price, Cheryl Rankin  


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About the Supervision SIG

The role of supervision in the dissemination and maintenance of high quality CBT practice cannot be underestimated.

Over recent years, increasing attention has been paid to the core elements of effective CBT supervision, and a number of models have been developed. A strong evidence base for any specific model has yet to emerge however.

Opportunities for training in supervision are increasing, although the availability of specialist workshops and CPD events with a supervision focus remain small, when compared with the number of CBT practice events. It is also interesting to note that a 'Supervision' category has yet to emerge at conference.

With some of these issues in mind, a number of people with a particular interest in supervision have come together to form a new BABCP SIG. We are delighted to announce that Supervision Sig came into existence in early 2014.

In time we hope the group can become a peer-resourced network. Please visit us at our open meeting at BABCP conference or contact us via the website to find out more.


0330 320 0851
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Imperial House, Hornby Street, Bury, Greater Manchester  BL9 5BN
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