BABCP | British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies > Conferences > National Conferences and Workshops > Spring Conference & Workshops 2025

BABCP Spring Conference & Workshops

Tuesday 8 & Wednesday 9 April 2025

Kings College London, Waterloo Campus

New Generation CBT: Broadening perspectives by attending to process

Registration fees

  BABCP member rate  BABCP discounted member rate Non-member
Conference - Early Bird  £80 £65 £95
Conference - Booked after 24 March  £95 £75 £115
Workshop - Early Bird  £95 £80 £115
Workshop - Booked after 24 March  £115 £95 £125


Book your place

One Day Conference: Tuesday 8 April 

9.15 Welcome and Introduction: Spring Conference Co-chairs Dr Jessica Kingston, Royal Holloway, University of London & Dr Christopher Taylor, University of Sheffield and Pennine Care NHS FT

9.30 Keynote Address: Professor Lance McCracken, Individualized, Precision, Process-Based Therapy in Physical Health: Really?

10.30 Break

11.00 Keynote Address: Dr Pamela Jacobsen, Mindfulness for Psychosis; Helpful or Harmful?

12.00 Lunch

1.00 Keynote Address: Dr Janet Feigenbaum, Using psychological therapies to support occupation in clients with complex emotional needs: from formulation to intervention

2.10 Keynote Address: Dr Mary Welford, What’s Compassion got to do, got to do with it? What’s compassion? It’s such an essential process

3.15 Break

3.45 Panel Discussion

4.45 Close

Full-Day Workshops: Wednesday 9 April

Click the workshop titles for more information

Workshop1: Applied Contextual Behavioral Science and chronic pain: What? and How?, Lance M McCracken, Uppsala University, Sweden

Workshop 2: Mindfulness-Based Interventions: supporting delivery with integrity and adapting to different clinical groups, Pamela Jacobsen, University of Bath

Workshop 3: Using psychological therapies to support return to work in clients with complex emotional needs: DBT for BPD, Janet Feigenbaum, University College London

Workshop 4: Compassion Focused Therapy with Teens, Mary Welford, Consultant Clinical Psychologist

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