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Tuesday 8 & Wednesday 9 April 2025
Kings College London, Waterloo Campus
9.15 Welcome and Introduction: Spring Conference Co-chairs Dr Jessica Kingston, Royal Holloway, University of London & Dr Christopher Taylor, University of Sheffield and Pennine Care NHS FT
9.30 Keynote Address: Professor Lance McCracken, Individualized, Precision, Process-Based Therapy in Physical Health: Really?
10.30 Break
11.00 Keynote Address: Dr Pamela Jacobsen, Mindfulness for Psychosis; Helpful or Harmful?
12.00 Lunch
1.00 Keynote Address: Dr Janet Feigenbaum, Using psychological therapies to support occupation in clients with complex emotional needs: from formulation to intervention
2.10 Keynote Address: Dr Mary Welford, What’s Compassion got to do, got to do with it? What’s compassion? It’s such an essential process
3.15 Break
3.45 Panel Discussion
4.45 Close
Click the workshop titles for more information
Workshop1: Applied Contextual Behavioral Science and chronic pain: What? and How?, Lance M McCracken, Uppsala University, Sweden
Workshop 2: Mindfulness-Based Interventions: supporting delivery with integrity and adapting to different clinical groups, Pamela Jacobsen, University of Bath
Workshop 3: Using psychological therapies to support return to work in clients with complex emotional needs: DBT for BPD, Janet Feigenbaum, University College London
Workshop 4: Compassion Focused Therapy with Teens, Mary Welford, Consultant Clinical Psychologist