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Monika Wilde
Are you a BABCP accredited psychotherapist working with patients with GAD using CBT? Are you interested in taking part in a research study?
We would like to invite you to take part in research study exploring clinicians’ and their GAD patients' level of mentalising during CBT therapy and to explore how this process is enhanced and/or diminished in therapy process.
The research is trying to better understand process of mentalisation, the ability to understand the behaviours and reactions of others (as well as ours) in terms of intentions and mental states, such as thoughts, feelings, wishes, and intentions in the context of CBT treatment in both GAD patients and their therapists.
Mentalisation facilitates relationships and helps us to understand the reactions of others in terms of what it communicates about their feelings, intentions, and wishes. It helps to make the social world predictable and meaningful because we can anticipate what people will do and know why they react as they do in certain circumstances. Evidence suggests that this process is affected in those with GAD. In addition to this, previous research indicates that therapists with higher level of mentalising are more likely to have better treatment outcomes with all populations and are more effective in mentalising of their patients. To date, neither of those aspects however has been explored in CBT for GAD explicitly.
Taking part involves completing 3 short questionnaires a week, taking 5 minutes a week and for the sessions to be audio or video recorded (whichever suits you and your patient best).
Upon completion of the research, you will be offered an opportunity to enter a ballot for 1 of 6 available £25 Amazon vouchers. The therapists who take part will also have an opportunity to receive feedback on their own level of mentalisation and if they wish to, have the session of their choice marked using CTS-R criteria.
If you are interested in taking part in the study, please contact Principal Investigator Monika Wilde on email
Thank you for your time!
Study end date: 31 May 2024