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The aim of this event is to create a forum for doctors who practise CBT, to share practice, learning and educational experiences, and network with each other. The event is targeted at doctors who practice, or are interested in, CBT from whatever grade, to provide an opportunity to do the above in an inclusive and welcoming environment.
Speakers include: Dr Andrew Beck, Dr Brian Fitzmaurice, Dr Florian Ruths and Dr Dasal Abayaratne.
Dr Andrew Beck: "Thinking about racism in the assessment, formulation and treatment of mental health problems: A practical approach."
This workshop will provide therapists with a pragmatic and accessible approach to understanding the impact of racism and incorporate thinking about cross cultural work.
Dr Brian Fitzmaurice: “The impact of self practise and self reflection on personal and professional development in CBT”: an opportunity to discuss the value and possible models of personal therapy for CBT trainees
Dr Florian Ruths: A workshop on schema focussed therapy
Dr Dasal Abayaratne: CBT and sustainability update Further details about other presentations to follow.
Dr Andrew Beck is Head of Clinical Health Psychology in Bradford, former President of the BABCP and project lead on the IAPT BAME Positive Practice Guide.Additional speakers details to follow.
Individual bookings and card payment only. Please email for any queries
If you are a BABCP member, make sure you register and login as a member when booking so that you are charged the discounted member event fee