Are you a member yet? Membership is open to all and is the first step towards accreditation.
If you were awarded one or both of these accreditations after 2017, the date you will be due to sign Reaccreditation online Declaration will be extended to synchronise with the renewal date for your most recent Accreditation. This is so that you can make the online declarations for both or all accreditations at the same time.
Example If your Practitioner Accreditation is due for renewal in November 2021 and you are awarded Supervisor Accreditation in July 2021, you will not make any declaration until July 2022, when you will make them for both Practitioner and Supervisor at the same time.
If you subsequently apply for Trainer Accreditation, all three Reaccreditation Declaration dates would be synchronised with the anniversary of the award date of the Trainer Accreditation.
If you were awarded Supervisor and/or Trainer Accreditation prior to 2017, your due dates will have already been synchronised.