BABCP | British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies > Accreditation > Reaccreditation > Supervisor and Trainer Reaccreditation > Trainer Reaccreditation Requirements

Trainer Reaccreditation Requirements

Provision of training

You are expected to have delivered a minimum of 20 hours of training within one year. You can record this as you go along on the Provision of Training Log [Word].

Trainer supervision

You should be receiving appropriate levels of support or supervision for the training you lead –  a minimum level of two hours total per year, mostly from qualified CBT therapists.

Amounts of Training Supervision  

You must have a minimum of two hours of training supervision per year, over a number of regular meetings.  

Training Supervisor Credentials  

The choice of person offering supervision of your current CBT training practice is yours. However, accreditors will wish to see evidence of the supervisor’s competence to offer supervision or support. Some of your training supervision may be provided by a professional who is not a CBT practitioner. However, you need to show how your arrangements are appropriate to support your CBT training provision.  

At least some of your training supervision or support should be from a qualified CBT therapist, and the Trainer Reference must be from either a BABCP accredited therapist or a professional qualified in CBT at post-graduate level meeting the criteria also specified for non-accredited clinical supervisors.  

Trainer CPD, Evidence and Reflective Statements

You should do at least one training-related (but not necessarily CBT specific) CPD activity per year. This can also be used as one of the five practitioner CPD activities. You should count it as your one permitted non-CBT specific activity and justify on your Reflective Statement how it relates to your CBT practice.

We suggest that you fill in your Trainer Reflective Statement [Word] close to the time and keep any evidence of the activity.  Details of the previous year will be required at Audit.

If invited for Reaccreditation Audit, please record this activity, as well as your practitioner CPD, in the appropriate rows of the CBT CPD Summary [Word]. One piece of supervisory CPD may also count as one of your practitioner activities; if this is the case, please note this in the Additional Information Section of the form.

Acceptable training CPD activities

There are many activities you can do so show a sustained commitment to development as a CBT Trainer. They might not necessarily be specifically related to CBT, but the Auditors would expect you to demonstrate their relevance to your CBT Training Practice.

  • attendance at workshops or courses relating to training practice and skills
  • attendance at conferences and seminars relating to training practice, for example learning to use presentation skills, presentation aids such as PowerPoint or interactive whiteboards
  • involvement in relevant research
  • relevant publications by you
  • reading relevant books and journals etc.,
  • involvement with Training SIGs
  • relevant media involvement.


  • The hours spent developing CBT training services or programmes count once 
  • The first delivery of any ‘Train the Trainer’ programme can count, but subsequent repeated delivery hours can't be counted again.
  • Delivering CBT training, and having training supervision do not count as CPD 
  • If the activity is CBT specific, it can also be used as evidence of your practitioner CPD, but if it is specific to training but not CBT, it should only be shown as trainer CPD.
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