BABCP | British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies > Accreditation > Reaccreditation > Reaccreditation Audit > Reaccreditation Audit

Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist Reaccreditation Audit

If you are selected for CBT Reaccreditation Audit you will have six weeks to provide us with the information. You will be sent a SharePoint link and instructions on how to upload. Please complete the following documents remembering to name them correctly. 

Please consult the Reaccreditation Guidelines.

Audit Information Sheet

Please complete with your up to date details.

Please name this document "Audit Form".

Accreditation Audit Form and Guidelines [Word]


Some of the documents you will submit with your Audit require signatures from you or other people. We are in the process of updating our documents to incorporate electronic signatures.  In the meantime, here is some guidance on how to validate a document or provide proof of identity if signatures aren't possible.

Signature Guidance

Clinical Supervision Logbook 

This will show a log of your supervision for the previous 12 months. We recommend that you record supervision sessions as you go along. At Audit, your supervisor(s) should sign the form within the six weeks.

If you have Supervisor and/or Trainer Accreditation, please record Supervisory and/or Training supervision on the same form.

Please name this Document "CSLB".

Supervisor's report

  • Please ask your supervisor to complete this report within the six weeks. If you have been with your current supervisor for less than six months, please also provide a report from your previous supervisor. 
  • Your supervisor should email it directly to with your name and Sup Rep typed in the subject field.


CPD Reflective Statements and Evidence

Please show your 5 CPD activities from the last 12 months- with a minimum of six hours of skills development included within these. 

If you have Supervisor and/or Trainer Accreditation, please record Supervisory and/or Training CPD on the same forms.

  • Please complete a Reflective Statement for each CPD activity.
  • We recommend you complete them shortly after the activity. 
  • Please name these documents "RS 1-5" respectively

CPD Reflective Statement Template [Word]

CPD Evidence

  • You must also attach evidence of each of your CPD activities. Information on the types of evidence we accept is listed here.
  • These should be named "CPD EV 1", "CPD EV 2" and so on. 
  • The numbers should correspond with the Reflective Statement numbers.
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