Trainer Accreditation

CBT Trainer Accreditation

You can apply for Trainer Accreditation if you are an experienced and accredited CBT practitioner providing training in CBT - contributing to trainees meeting our Minimum Training Standards or offering Continuing Professional Development activities to CBT practitioners.

The Accreditation provides recognition of providing high-quality training in CBT. This doesn’t currently include EBPT or Wellbeing Practitioner training.


To apply you must -

  • have been accredited as a CBT practitioner with us for a minimum of four years. This may have been called Provisional Accreditation at the time.
  • have provided regular specialist CBT Training for at least 40 hours over the past two years of your practice. This can be over the past four years if you have taken a break from providing training.
  • have treated a significant number of clients from a spectrum of complexity and a variety of problem areas using CBT, under regular CBT supervision.
  • be receiving regular training supervision and support
  • have completed at least one Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activity which is specifically relevant to training others in CBT for each of the past two years
  • pay the correct fee within one month of submitting your application. Please check our Accreditation Fees page.

Trainer Accreditation Application Form and Guidelines

Please follow the Guidelines and submit your application by email to

Trainer Application Including Guidelines and Criteria [Word]

Trainer Reference

Your training supervisor must email this directly to within one month of the submission of the application.

Trainer Reference Form [Word]

Trainer CPD and Reflective Statements

You must have done one Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activity which is specifically relevant to training others in CBT for each of the past two years and provide Reflective Statements for the activities.

The Accreditors reviewing your application will look for evidence of how these activities are relevant to delivering CBT training, whether or not the activities were specifically CBT.

These include -

  • attendance at workshops or courses relating to Training Practice and skills
  • Taking part in our CBT Course Directors’ and Tutors’ meetings
  • attendance at conferences and seminars relating to Training Practice, for example learning to use presentation skills, presentation aids such as PowerPoint or interactive whiteboards 
  • involvement in relevant research
  • relevant publications by you 
  • reading relevant literature
  • involvement with our Higher Education or other Training Special Interest Groups
  • relevant media involvement

We would not include provision of CBT training or supervision of your training as CPD as they are usual activities for trainers to carry out.

Trainer Reflective Statement Form [Word]

Training Evaluation Survey Form

You can use your own form or this one. Forms which you administer should be submitted with your application. External evaluations should be emailed directly to within one month of the application being submitted.

Training Evaluation Survey Form [Word]

Trainer Reaccreditation

You will be invited to make your Reaccreditation Declaration for all your accreditations at the same time - Practitioner, Trainer and Supervisor if you have it.

Trainer Reaccreditation

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