Supervisor Accreditation


Supervisor Accreditation

You can apply for Supervisor Accreditation if you are an experienced and accredited Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist providing CBT supervision.

The Accreditation provides recognition of high quality CBT supervision. This doesn’t currently include supervising EBPT therapists or Wellbeing Practitioners.


To apply you must

  • be accredited with us for a minimum of four years
  • have provided a minimum of 80 hours CBT supervision over the past two years of your practice. This can be over the past four years if you have had time out of practice. This doesn’t include supervision of EBPT therapists or Wellbeing Practitioners.
  • have treated significant number of clients from a spectrum of complexity and a variety of problem areas using CBT, under regular CBT supervision
  • be receiving regular supervisory supervision. This should total at least five per cent of your overall supervisory practice or one hour per month
  • have had at least 6 hours training in CBT supervision within the past three years – this can be either a single day’s training or two half days 
  • have had a further 18 hours’ training in either CBT or generic models of psychotherapy supervision. These can have been completed at any point and must have been made up of courses no shorter than half a day (3 hours.) 
  • have completed CBT Supervisory CPD – a minimum of one activity per year for the past two years
  • pay the correct fee within one month of submitting your application. Please check our Accreditation Fees page for costs and how to pay

Updated Supervision Training and CPD Criteria

From 10 January 2025 the amounts of supervisor training and CPD required increased to those stipulated in the penultimate three bullet points above. 

All applications must now meet these criteria and be submitted on the up-to-date form below. 

Application form and Guidelines – Supervisor Accreditation

Please follow the Guidelines and submit your application by email to

Supervisory Reference 

This must be completed by your CBT supervisory supervisor and emailed directly by them to within one month of you submitting the application. If you have been with them for less than six months, your previous supervisory supervisor should also submit a reference.

Supervisory Reference Form [Word]

Supervisory Reference Sample [PDF]

Supervisory Feedback Form

This should be completed by between two and five of your supervisees and submitted and dated within one month of the application. Your supervisees should email them directly to

Supervisee Feedback Form [Word]

Supervisory Training and CPD Requirements and forms


  • Evidence and Reflective Statement(s) for 6 hours training in CBT supervision within the past three years – this can be either a single day’s training or two half days
  • Evidence of a further 18 hours’ training in either CBT or generic models of psychotherapy supervision. These can have been completed at any point and must have been made up of courses no shorter than half a day (3 hours.)


  • Evidence and Reflective Statement of a CBT Supervisory CPD – a minimum of one activity per year for the past two years. 

Acceptable Supervisory CPD activities include –

  • attendance at supervision workshops
  • courses relating to CBT Supervisory Practice and skills
  • attendance at conferences and seminars relating to CBT Supervisory Practice
  • involvement in relevant research
  • relevant publications by you
  • reading relevant books and journals etc.
  • involvement with Supervision SIGs
  • relevant media involvement
  • hours spent developing CBT Supervision services may count once only

Providing CBT supervision, and having supervisory supervision don’t count as CPD.

Supervisory CPD Reflective Statements

These are best completed soon after completing the activity.  

Supervisory Reflective Statement [Word]

Supervisor Reaccreditation

Your will be invited to make your Reaccreditation Declaration for all your accreditations at the same time.

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