Accreditation - Online Document Submission Instructions

Electronic Submissions for BABCP Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist Accreditation application and KSA portfolio

These instructions explain how to upload your application and supporting evidence to a secure SharePoint folder. Reports and references will be submitted to us directly by email.

Step 1 – Check you are using the correct email 

You must email us from an email address which we have on our records for you.  This is so that we can confirm your identity and protect your data.  If you have more than one email and you aren’t sure which we have on record, please check the address to which we currently send emails to you. 

If you want to change this or add a second email to your record, please notify and wait for a confirmation of this before you move to Step 3. 

Step 2 – Arrange for your Supervisor’s Report and Professional Reference to be sent 

These documents should be submitted before you apply and dated within a month of your application submission. However, we will accept delayed reports or references sent up to one calendar month after your application date. These must be sent directly from your supervisor/referee to

If we do not receive an application within one calendar month of receiving a Supervisor Report or Professional Reference, the report and/or reference will be deleted.

There is more information on the Supervisor’s Report and Professional Reference forms. 

Step 3 - Request a link

Send an email to The email must include: your name, membership number and the type of application you are submitting (i.e. CBT Practitioner Accreditation or CBT Practitioner Accreditation with KSA portfolio).

You should receive an autoresponse acknowledging receipt of your request. Please then wait for our admin team to get to step 4. 

Step 4 - Receive the link and pay

The Accreditation Team will email you a link to a secure SharePoint Folder and a request for payment. You should receive this within seven to ten days. Please only contact us after that time at if you have not received the link.

You must submit your application within seven to ten days of receiving the link or request a new one. You can pay the invoice by logging into the Members Area of the BABCP Website. Your application will only be processed once we have received payment.

Step 5 - Organising your documents

Label your documents to include your full name and the file contents. Here are some examples:

  • Practitioner Application  [+ your name]
  • Evidence 3a i - PG Diploma Certificate [ + your name]
  • Evidence 3d ii - case study mark sheet [+ your name]

We screen applications to ensure that the information is organised and labelled, which enables us to process the evidence that you have provided. We will get in touch if you need to update your submission.

Step 6 - Upload your application and supporting documents

The link takes you to your SharePoint account, where you will find a list of folders where you can upload your documents and evidence. You can move or rename files at any point before the application is complete.

When you have completed uploading everything for your application, let us know by email with your name and type of application in the subject line. 

We will acknowledge receipt of your completed application folder within seven to ten days. Please only contact us on the email above if you have not heard from us after ten days.

Please see below for further advice regarding KSA portfolio submission.

Step 7 - Your application is processed

We will let you know the outcome of your application by email. It can take some time to process an application.  We will contact you if we have questions or need any clarifications. Please allow up to 18 weeks for us to complete our peer reviews of your submission and let you know the outcome. If you have waited longer than this please email us for an update.

KSA Portfolio - Further information  

There is more information on how to organise and present your portfolio in our KSA Guidelines.

BABCP Level 1 accredited course graduates and the KSA route

If you are a KSA route applicant and graduated from a BABCP Level 1 accredited programme, you will need to use one of the following two options -

  • Option a) BABCP Level 1 accredited course with BABCP trained assessors formally marking the KSA portfolio. If a BABCP trained assessor formally marked your KSA portfolio as part of your course, you must submit a copy of the KSA marksheet with your application. The portfolio is not required.
  • Option b) BABCP level 1 accredited course which does not formally mark KSA portfolios. If your portfolio was not formally marked during the course, you must submit your completed KSA portfolio with the application as described below. It will be formally marked by our accreditors.

Non-Accredited course graduates 

If you completed a CBT training programme which is not accredited by us and you do not have a Core Profession,  you must submit your completed portfolio to Sharepoint with your practitioner accreditation application, and it will be formally marked by our accreditors. 

Labelling your KSA portfolio and supporting evidence

When we receive your application, our accreditors will review your KSA and supporting evidence you provide. You must label each document so that it shows each criterion it relates to. The same evidence may relate to more than one of the criteria. Your KSA evidence must also be labelled and cross-referenced within the portfolio itself, and it helps our accreditors when this is placed on the top right of each page. Please refer to the KSA Guidelines for more details.

Please put the documents into the appropriate KSA sharepoint folders as relevant to your portfolio. 

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