Signature Guidance


Forms which require your signature

We accept electronic signatures, as well as signature pages which have been printed, signed and scanned. 

If this isn’t possible, please type your name in place of the signature box – or you can leave it blank – your email address will confirm your identity.

Forms which require a third party signature

We understand this may not be possible at the moment, so here are some options for how these contributors can provide this validation in the current circumstances.

  • They provide an electronic signature on the document
  • They print off the last page of the document, sign it, scan it and email it to you with the rest of the document.
  • If the above are not possible, they can email the document with their name typed in the signature box, or leave it blank. They must name the document/s they are sending within the body of the email. 

Eg 1. Subject: Supervisor report for [your name] 

Email body: Please find attached my supervisor’s report 

Eg 2. Subject: Supervisor Report and Criterion 10 

Email body: Please find attached my supervisor’s report and my reference for Criterion 10 of your KSA

The following forms can be emailed directly to us by their author to 

  • Supervisor’s Reports 
  • Professional References 
  • Supervisory Supervision References 
  • Training Supervision References 
  • Supervisee Feedback form
They must be sent within one month of you submitting the application. Your name (ie the applicant) and the type of report should be in the subject field of the email. There is no need for a signature in this case.
0330 320 0851
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