Are you a member yet? Membership is open to all and is the first step towards accreditation.
You must be living and working in the UK, its territories or Ireland to become accredited, however you can apply for accreditation if you meet the criteria through overseas training.
Prior to your CBT training, you must have a BABCP recognised professional background in mental health.
We call this a core profession. It's fine if this training and experience was in another country as long as you can provide evidence of your qualification, translated into English if necessary.
However you must be be registered or accredited with one of the relevant named UK bodies - we can't accept registration or accreditation in another country.
Alternatively, If you don't meet Core Profession criteria for one of these, you can demonstrate your mental health background in a KSA portfolio.
If you completed your post-graduate CBT training abroad, you should follow the guidance in What if I completed a non-accredited course? Please make sure that any documents you submit with an accreditation application are translated into English if necessary.
Please see- Can I be accredited if I live or work abroad?