Are you a member yet? Membership is open to all and is the first step towards accreditation.
Trainer Accreditation - you must provide evidence of at least one training related CPD activity per year for the two years prior to application.
Trainer Reaccreditation - you must continue to do at least one piece of training CPD per year. The activities don’t have to be CBT specific.
One per year can be included within the five CPD activities for Reaccreditation as a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist. You must show on your Reflective Statement how these are relevant to your CBT practice.
Reflective Statements are required for each activity at Supervisor Accreditation and if selected for Random Reaccreditation Audit. It is best to complete them shortly after completing the activity.
Trainer Reflective Statement [Word]
There are many activities you can do as evidence of a commitment to development as a CBT Trainer. They don't have to be related to CBT, but we expect you to demonstrate their relevance to your CBT Training Practice. Activities can include -
Providing CBT Training and having training supervision don't count as relevant CPD activity.