Are you a member yet? Membership is open to all and is the first step towards accreditation.
Accredited Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapists are expected to submit their First Accreditation Audit 12 months after their Accreditation award. You should show 12 months of supervised practice – these don’t have to be consecutive months if you have had a break in practice.
Delays of less than a month
You can submit your Audit up to four weeks after your First Accreditation Audit date without an extension.
Delays of more than a month
You should submit an Extension Request Form in all of the following circumstances -
We will give you an extension based on the information you have given us, but do please include on the form your estimate of how long you think you will need.
Delays of more than two years
The usual maximum extension is two years. If you haven’t submitted your First Audit within this timeframe, your accreditation will lapse and you can reinstate using our Return to Practice policy.
Your Reaccreditation will always be due on the same date every year. If you have Supervisor and/or Trainer Accreditation, they will be due on the anniversary of your last award.
Problems meeting requirements
If you have been in practice but unable to meet the Reaccreditation requirements, please email us at and we will discuss how to proceed
If either your First Accreditation Audit, your Reaccreditation annual Declaration or any fees are substantially overdue and you haven’t contacted us to discuss the delay, you may lose your accredited status and you will need to apply for Return to Practice.