BABCP | British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies > Accreditation > About Accreditation FAQs > What is the CBT Register?

What is the CBT Register?

The CBT Register is a joint public register of all our accredited members, as well as those from the Association for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (AREBT)

REBT is form of cognitive behavioural therapy and we have an agreement with their Association which means that the accreditation and standards of both organisations are aligned.

The aim of the CBT Register is to protect the public, employers and other agencies by helping them find therapists who have met the required standards

It is consulted by individuals, employers and agencies and is the only way to check a  therapists' current accredited status.

You can make a yearly payment for an enhanced listing which can provide a link to your contact details and webpage. 

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