BABCP | British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies > About > Governance and Policy > Committees


A number of standing committees, ad-hoc committees and working groups are made up of Trustees and other members of the Association and have a Board member as Chair or Co-Chair. These committees and groups operate under specific terms of reference with delegated functions from the Board. Chairs of all committees combine with the Board of Trustees to form a National Committees Forum (NCF), which meets twice a year in addition to the Annual General Meeting (AGM). 

You can read each committee's Terms of Reference (pdf) by clicking the committee title below.

Committee Title Chair
Branch Liaison Committee (BLC)
Tom Reeves
National Conference Programme Advisory Group Jo Daniels and Simon Blackwell
Conference and Workshop Strategy Committee Rod Holland  
Course Accreditation Committee
Rachel Handley
CBT Practitioner Accreditation & Registration Committee (PARC)
Bryan Dalgleish-Warburton
Editorial Committee
Paul Salkovskis
Equity, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Committee  Harjinder Kaur-Aujla   
Fellowship Committee
David Veale
Finance Committee
Jacqui McKenna
National Committees Forum Saiqa Naz
Research Fund  David Veale  
Standards & Ethics Committee Caroline Dugen-Williams

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